PopMM - 08/07/24 00:01

[00:01] Nici out
[00:01] Luxray out
[00:02] Zpektrix_TAS out
[00:05] RessurectioN_TAS out
[00:05] [AvA]Soma- out
[00:06] Saito_Vdm in
[00:08] [D]Hawk_Tuah in
[00:09] [D]Hawk_Tuah out
[00:16] doc in
[00:17] doc out
[00:29] Lucas out
[00:29] ExLordDeath> ggwp
[00:29] [D]Jozef> nice try joako
[00:29] rc_doom9718> gg wp
[00:29] [D]Jozef> all did well
[00:29] joako_27 in
[00:29] nah> yay
[00:30] [D]Jozef> nice try joako
[00:30] nah> I am off to sleep
[00:30] [D]Jozef> gn nah
[00:30] nah> its 1:30 AM
[00:30] [D]Jozef> you know them doom?
[00:30] joako_27> sorry im to noob
[00:30] rc_doom9718> just to nah and joako
[00:30] Zpektrix_TAS in
[00:30] [D]Jozef> you are learning joako
[00:30] [D]Jozef> dont worry
[00:30] [D]Jozef> spy was once the same as you
[00:30] Zpektrix_TAS out
[00:30] Zpektrix_TAS in
[00:30] [D]Jozef> couple weeks ago
[00:30] themrspysir> still am
[00:30] [D]Jozef> lol
[00:30] ExLordDeath> not true
[00:30] themrspysir> i am crap at the game...
[00:31] [D]Jozef> nah you did good there
[00:31] nah out
[00:31] ExLordDeath> you did fine
[00:31] rc_doom9718> im bad too spy
[00:31] rc_doom9718> you was a king of middle
[00:31] [D]Jozef> green has experience in other rts games
[00:31] rc_doom9718> yes
[00:31] [D]Jozef> thats why he is progressing faster
[00:31] themrspysir> did not feel like i did fine...
[00:31] rc_doom9718> starcraft and dota 2
[00:31] [D]Jozef> and he listens to tips
[00:31] ExLordDeath> you were 6-0 in the beginning you did finhe
[00:31] cyborg> rc_doom9718> starcraft and dota 2
[00:31] rc_doom9718> jozef you see early
[00:31] themrspysir> hummmmmm......
[00:31] [D]Jozef> yea at start i thought you guys would win it
[00:31] rc_doom9718> i try harvest tree
[00:31] ExLordDeath> spy join me :D
[00:31] cyborg> you know you can get banned for talking about these games
[00:31] themrspysir> why what we doing?
[00:31] ExLordDeath> doom you can join too
[00:31] rc_doom9718> lol
[00:31] ExLordDeath> 2v2 ideally
[00:31] [D]Jozef> yes doom and see how much wood you have because of it
[00:32] rc_doom9718> ups
[00:32] [D]Jozef> its important
[00:32] themrspysir> can get banned for talkin about games?
[00:32] rc_doom9718> bro exlord ill take rest now
[00:32] [D]Jozef> and it speeds up your build
[00:32] ExLordDeath> no?
[00:32] rc_doom9718> yes
[00:32] ExLordDeath> no to spy i mean
[00:32] rc_doom9718> i watching meph and power matchs
[00:32] ExLordDeath> okay
[00:32] cyborg> dota is the main competitor to populous in terms of nerdish community, so yes you can get banned by talking about dota 2
[00:32] rc_doom9718> but need more control with units and shaman
[00:32] [D]Jozef> takes time for that
[00:32] themrspysir> meh dota sucks xD
[00:33] [D]Jozef> also do you know how to patrol?
[00:33] rc_doom9718> yes
[00:33] cyborg> themrspysir> meh dota sucks xD
[00:33] rc_doom9718> ctrl+alt
[00:33] cyborg> :thumbsup:
[00:33] [D]Jozef> ok try to do that often
[00:33] [D]Jozef> so your troops arent in big groups
[00:33] [D]Jozef> make them harder targets to kill
[00:33] rc_doom9718> and shift+click on target to focus that target
[00:33] [D]Jozef> yes
[00:33] rc_doom9718> ok
[00:33] [D]Jozef> do you know how to use shift fill?
[00:33] rc_doom9718> ill cyan shaman cause that
[00:33] themrspysir> How to lose all your money... By sinks on Dota or crappy mounts xD
[00:33] [D]Jozef> if you have five empty towers
[00:33] themrspysir> skins*
[00:33] [D]Jozef> and select 5 fws
[00:34] [D]Jozef> you can shift click the tower icon in buildin menu
[00:34] [D]Jozef> the fire warriors will automatically seek out towers to fill
[00:34] [D]Jozef> doesnt always work but mostly
[00:34] rc_doom9718> spy in cuba i cant pay nothing to dota lol
[00:34] rc_doom9718> what
[00:34] rc_doom9718> really?
[00:34] themrspysir> that is good....
[00:34] [D]Jozef> yes
[00:34] rc_doom9718> lol
[00:34] o_mohammed out
[00:34] [D]Jozef> you can also use shift fill to send braves to training hut
[00:34] rc_doom9718> lol ty for that trick
[00:34] themrspysir> cuz all it is just a waset of your money they have seen the light xD
[00:35] [D]Jozef> select braves then shift click training hut icon in build menu
[00:35] rc_doom9718> jozef i have to go now
[00:35] [D]Jozef> ok gn
[00:35] [D]Jozef> tomorrow
[00:35] rc_doom9718> see you tomorrow
[00:35] rc_doom9718> goodbye guys
[00:35] themrspysir> same with LoL... had a mate by all the Heros and all the Skins just cuz he can
[00:35] [D]Jozef> cya
[00:35] rc_doom9718 out
[00:35] [D]Jozef> cuba limited on what they can buy
[00:35] [D]Jozef> because usa sanctions
[00:35] [D]Jozef> even parts for his pc he said are hard to get
[00:36] [D]Jozef> he's nice guy tho
[00:36] [D]Jozef> i might head off too
[00:37] themrspysir> boooooooooooo
[00:37] Garbageman in
[00:38] [GoD]Eric out
[00:38] themrspysir> come and play... feel like i just bad at this game its unreal xD
[00:39] [D]Jozef> i wouldnt say that
[00:39] [D]Jozef> you just need to think more strategically
[00:39] [D]Jozef> joako
[00:39] [D]Jozef> do you want to play again?
[00:40] themrspysir> yeh come and play again ^)^
[00:45] o_mohammed in
[00:46] [D]Jozef> maybe not pp?
[00:46] ExLordDeath> what map yall want
[00:46] ExLordDeath> ExLordDeath + themrspysir vs. lebannen + [D]Jozef
[00:46] ExLordDeath> ?
[00:46] [D]Jozef> spy can pick
[00:47] ExLordDeath> spy picjk
[00:47] themrspysir> not a clue xD
[00:47] [D]Jozef> pick one you are comfortable on
[00:48] [D]Jozef> today tho
[00:48] themrspysir> 4 Walls
[00:49] themrspysir> in discord Mr Lord
[00:49] ExLordDeath> teams good?
[00:56] Garbageman out
[01:01] o_mohammed out
[01:07] [AsG]Manl1 out
[01:11] ExLordDeath> gg
[01:12] ExLordDeath> ExLordDeath + themrspysir vs. Saito_Vdm + lebannen
[01:13] ExLordDeath> map?
[01:13] lebannen> ok
[01:13] themrspysir> what map do ya fancy?
[01:14] lebannen> sess?
[01:14] ExLordDeath> sure
[01:14] lebannen> cool
[01:15] themrspysir> lets goooo xD
[01:15] Saito_Vdm out
[01:19] ExLordDeath> +1
[01:19] ExLordDeath> ?
[01:24] [Rw]Exotic out
[01:26] themrspysir> ur back jo!!
[01:26] themrspysir> what other game do you dabble in other than pop xD
[01:26] [D]Jozef> lame ones
[01:26] themrspysir> do tell ^)^
[01:26] [D]Jozef> civ 6
[01:26] themrspysir> NOT LAME!!
[01:27] themrspysir> Fantasic game
[01:27] [D]Jozef> stardew valley :kekw:
[01:27] [D]Jozef> diablo
[01:27] [D]Jozef> many
[01:27] themrspysir> That is epic!
[01:27] [D]Jozef> yoi?
[01:27] themrspysir> Stardew Win!
[01:27] themrspysir> Diablo Win
[01:27] themrspysir> is that 3 for the season or 4?
[01:29] [D]Jozef> 3 maybe?
[01:29] [D]Jozef> idk i got bored after season one tbh
[01:29] ExLordDeath> teams
[01:29] ExLordDeath> and mao
[01:29] ExLordDeath> map
[01:29] [D]Jozef> me n riley
[01:29] [D]Jozef> vs spy n lebannen
[01:29] [D]Jozef> seem best
[01:29] [D]Jozef> :V
[01:30] [D]Jozef> tvb
[01:30] ExLordDeath> yeah that seems best xd
[01:30] ExLordDeath> map?
[01:30] [D]Jozef> sess
[01:30] [D]Jozef> what disc you guys on?
[01:45] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[01:45] [Rw]FreeMatt> who is best?
[01:45] [Rw]FreeMatt> hw
[01:50] [Rw]Exotic in
[02:23] [D]Jozef> yea your host has delay
[02:23] [D]Jozef> which is odd because you not far
[02:23] [D]Jozef> was happening w blasts too
[02:23] ExLordDeath> idk
[02:23] ExLordDeath> sorry
[02:23] ExLordDeath> we couldve allied
[02:24] [D]Jozef> nah it wasnt bad lag
[02:24] [D]Jozef> just delay
[02:24] ExLordDeath> well ggs
[02:24] ExLordDeath> ty for the games
[02:24] themrspysir out
[02:26] ExLordDeath out
[02:26] Garbageman in
[02:32] Garbageman out
[02:33] lebannen out
[02:36] [D]Jozef out
[03:19] jlopezrosso in
[03:19] urepopulous2 in
[03:56] sunshah in
[04:00] joako_27 out
[04:03] sunshah out
[04:12] sunshah in
[04:13] 00Shaman in
[04:14] ExLordDeath in
[04:14] 00Shaman> yo exlord
[04:14] ExLordDeath> yo
[04:14] 00Shaman> wanna do a game of WOG
[04:15] 00Shaman> war orf gods
[04:16] ExLordDeath> hm
[04:18] 00Shaman> if not it's cool
[04:18] 00Shaman> just asking
[04:18] ExLordDeath> not rn, its too easy xd
[04:18] 00Shaman> you played stranded
[04:19] 00Shaman> urepoplous and jlopez join
[04:25] sunshah out
[04:39] jlopezrosso out
[04:59] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[05:13] [Rw]Exotic out
[05:17] 00Shaman out
[05:40] ExLordDeath out
[07:01] IncaWarrior out
[07:06] IncaWarrior in
[07:12] jammy in
[07:25] tetc in
[07:44] urepopulous2 out
[07:51] tetc out
[10:22] Nah_Id_Win in
[10:22] Nah_Id_Win> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypogQwW_GxY
[10:22] Nah_Id_Win> AMA
[10:50] jammy> you're either a creep or handsome
[10:51] Nah_Id_Win> y sigo dandol la vuelta a la luna
[10:56] jammy> https://fb.watch/tbsmnQ-F1d/
[11:59] [Rw]Raver in
[12:12] only101_tsi out
[12:33] bockwurstlaune in
[12:33] bockwurstlaune out
[12:43] bockwurstlaune in
[12:44] jammy out
[12:44] 00Shaman in
[12:50] bockwurstlaune out
[12:51] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[12:51] Zpektrix_TAS out
[12:52] Zpektrix_TAS in
[12:52] Zpektrix_TAS out
[12:52] Zpektrix_TAS in
[12:53] jammy in
[12:53] 00Shaman> sup jammu
[12:53] 00Shaman> jammy
[12:54] jammy> hey 00Shaman, nm, wbu
[12:55] 00Shaman> nm man
[12:55] 00Shaman> join